
Periodic gyroid network materials have many interesting properties (band gaps, topologically protected modes, superior charge and mass transport, and outstanding mechanical properties) due to the space-group symmetries and their multichannel triply continuous morphology. The three-dimensional structure of a twin boundary in a self-assembled polystyrene-b-polydimethylsiloxane (PS-PDMS) double-gyroid (DG) forming diblock copolymer is directly visualized using dual-beam scanning microscopy. The reconstruction clearly shows that the intermaterial dividing surface (IMDS) is smooth and continuous across the boundary plane as the pairs of chiral PDMS networks suddenly change their handedness. The boundary plane therefore acts as a topological mirror. The morphology of the normally chiral nodes and strut loops within the networks is altered in the twin-boundary plane with the formation of three new types of achiral nodes and the appearance of two new classes of achiral loops. The boundary region shares a very similar surface/volume ratio and distribution of the mean and Gaussian curvatures of the IMDS as the adjacent ordered DG grain regions, suggesting the twin is a low-energy boundary.

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