
To assess serial section block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) for retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) ultrastructure, we determined the number and distribution within RPE cell bodies of melanosomes (M), lipofuscin (L), and melanolipofuscin (ML).Eyes of 4 Caucasian donors (16M, 32F, 76F, 84M) with unremarkable maculas were sectioned and imaged using an SEM fitted with an in-chamber automated ultramicrotome. Aligned image stacks were generated by alternately imaging an epoxy resin block face using backscattered electrons, then removing a 125 nm-thick layer. Series of 249-499 sections containing 5–24 nuclei were examined per eye. Trained readers manually assigned boundaries of individual cells and x,y,z locations of M, L, and ML. A Density Recovery Profile was computed in three dimensions for M, L, and ML.The number of granules per RPE cell body in 16M, 32F, 76F, and 84M eyes, respectively, was 465 ± 127 (mean ± SD), 305 ± 92, 79 ± 40, and 333 ± 134 for L; 13 ± 9; 6 ± 7, 131 ± 55, and 184 ± 66 for ML; and 29 ± 19, 24 ± 12, 12 ± 7, and 7 ± 3 for M. Granule types were spatially organized, with M near apical processes. The effective radius, a sphere of decreased probability for granule occurrence, was 1 μm for L, ML, and M combined. In conclusion, SBFEM reveals that adult human RPE has hundreds of L, LF, and M and that granule spacing is regulated by granule size alone. When obtained for a larger sample, this information will enable hypothesis testing about organelle turnover and regulation in health, aging, and disease, and elucidate how RPE-specific signals are generated in clinical optical coherence tomography and autofluorescence imaging.

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