
The purpose of this study is to put educational messages and/ or teaching materials for children using songs that arevisualized using simple animation technology to channel children's fantasies and help children to be able to seesomething they perceive as real. The research method applied in this research is developmental research. The locationof the study is Semarang City by taking three primary schools for product trials. The trial that was carried out was atrial to include teaching materials or educational messages using children's songs with the theme of education whichhad been visualized in the form of simple animations. The steps taken by researchers are first, seeing and identifyingprimary learning themes. Second, study teaching material. Third, realizing the theme of learning/ teaching materialin the form of songs. Fourth, the finished songs are shown/ played to the teacher for input. Fifth, perfect the song.Sixth, animate the song with the research team. Seventh, provide song animation products for teachers to learn.Eighth, the trial of song animation products to be given/ taught to students by the teacher in class. The results of thestudy showed that through children's songs learning themed presented in the form of simple animations, children canchannel and develop their fantasies through songs that are taught and the real phenomena of song content can becaptured by students easily


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