
Mapping of the antegrade fast pathway (A-FP) exact sites and antegrade slow pathway (A-SP) input locations has not been well described. In 56 patients with slow-fast atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (SF-AVNRT), pacing during sinus rhythm and entrainment pacing during SF-AVNRT were performed at various sites in the triangle of Koch and coronary sinus (CS) to identify the A-FP and A-SP inputs. User-defined three-dimensional electro-anatomical mapping of the stimulus-His potential (St-H) interval and anatomical location was performed. The A-FP input was defined as the site of the shortest St-H interval, and A-SP input as the site of the shortest St-H interval and with a postpacing-interval equal to the tachycardia cycle length. The locations of the A-FP and A-SP inputs were mapped as a ratio of the distance between the His bundle (HB) and CS orifice (CSO), and the HB-CSO axis was divided into three zones: superior-, mid-, and inferior septum. The distance between the A-SP and A-FP inputs was calculated using the distance from each input to the HB and HB-CSO axis. Only 30 patients were included in this study because the A-SP mapping failed in 26. The A-SP input was distributed to the superior septum in four, mid- or inferior septum in 25, and CS in one. An A-SP input which was located less than 10 mm from the A-FP input was observed in one of four patients with a superior septum A-SP. An A-SP input at the superior septum seemed to be a potential risk for atrioventricular nodal injury during ablation.

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