
Investigating the micro-migration processes of hydrocarbons within interbedded shale reservoirs, and quantitatively characterizing the movability of shale oil, are highly important for the exploration and development of continental shale oil. However, due to complex pore-fracture structures, the characterization of the micro-migration and movability of shale oil presents significant difficulties, and the lack of suitable technology restricts the understanding of shale oil accumulation mechanisms and the evaluation of movability. This study employs nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) technology in conjunction with oil charging and water flooding experiments, to innovatively visualize and quantitatively characterize the dynamic micro-migration features and movability of hydrocarbons within the pore-fracture structures of shale. The results indicate a significant increase in oil saturation within the interbedded shale oil reservoir during the oil charging process, with the oil phase primarily accumulating in larger pores (T2 = 1–100 ms). The micro-migration and accumulation process of interbedded shale oil can be divided into three stages: the initial stage dominated by water phases in the pore spaces due to insufficient oil filling pressure, the intermediate stage marked by a rapid increase in hydrocarbons in the pore spaces, and the final stage where oil fills the entire pore system resulting in high oil saturation. The movability of different types of shale oil during water flooding varies significantly and is mainly influenced by pore-fracture structures. Interbedded shale oil reservoirs with larger pores exhibits a higher movable oil saturation (approximately 36.94%), while matrix-type shale oil reservoirs shows greater heterogeneity and lower fluid movability (approximately 14%). However, the shale oil movability of matrix-type shale oil reservoir with developed microfractures can reach 40%. More specifically, the fluid movability in smaller pore-microfracture structures (T2 < 0.5 ms) is as high as 56.88%, surpassing that in larger pores (T2 > 0.5 ms) (32.78%). Larger pores and microfractures substantially enhance the movability of hydrocarbons in the shale matrix, thus improving shale oil recoverability. In contrast, due to the higher capillary pressure (Pc) and flow resistance (Pv), smaller pores contribute less to the movability of shale oil. Overall, the outcomes of this study not only advance our understanding of the micro-migration and accumulation patterns of interbedded shale oil but also offer new insights for geological and engineering integration research on shale oil.

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