
Human behavior representation (HBR) models simulate human behaviors and responses. The Joint Crowd Federate TM cognitive model developed by the Virginia Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Center (VMASC) and licensed by WernerAnderson, Inc., models the cognitive behavior of crowds to provide credible crowd behavior in support of military training, exercise support, and wargaming experiments and can be federated with semi-automated forces (SAF) simulations. Other possible uses include training support to emergency management and security personnel. The large parameter spaces and behavior complexities associated with HBR can make validating these simulations difficult, but with a multipronged approach, it is not impossible. A comprehensive approach investigates not only the results of the simulation but also the mathematical instantiation in the conceptual model. This article demonstrates a technique developed to understand the mathematical instantiation of the parameter space embodied by our HBR model and the effects of different parameterizations on the model's initialization space.

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