
Religion is an omnipresent entity that is present everywhere and anytime. Religion as a system of values and norms became the reference of his people in worship, thinking and acting. The presence of religion in public space can then be understood from this character or trait. Religious presence is not always of value and doctrine or way of life, but is also present through material and visual forms, propagated through the media and all existing instruments. Religion, especially after the invention of the printing press and the internet technology revolution, became a new phenomenon that was represented in various forms. Religious commodities, religious commodities, and religious visualizations in today's technological era are a necara phenomenon. This paper wants to review the new phenomenon of religious visualization that now must be realized began to be an option to be displayed in the public space through what is referred to as visual merchandising. Visualization of religion here can not be separated from the context of religious commodification that has been reviewed by intellectuals and previous research, where religion is regarded as part of a market commodity that can be used as a tool to bring profit. Further religious visualization is not just a commodification, but a new style of religious adherents to affirm the existence of this religion. This paper finds that the visual of the religion that many appear in the public space, whether it is realized or not has become an interesting new phenomenon to be discussed.


  • Religion is an omnipresent entity that is present everywhere and anytime

  • This paper finds that the visual of the religion that many appear in the public space, whether it is realized or not has become an interesting new phenomenon to be discussed

  • Disampaikan pada Seminar Nasional Agama, Budaya dan Media: Kontribusi Antropologi Abad 21

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Sejak ditemukanya mesin cetak (printing press) pada tahun 1400an, kegiatan pemasaran berkembang sedemikian rupa, dan kegiatan periklanan (advertising) lahir untuk pertama kali. Periklanan pada abad 15 tersebut telah merevolusi cara orang dalam berjualan, yaitu dengan menggambarkan atau memvisualkan produk-produk yang ingin dijual di selembar kertas, dan meletakkannya di tempat-tempat ramai. Orang tidak perlu lagi berkeliling dan berteriak untuk mengumumkan sesuatu, cukup menempelkan dan memvisualkan apa yang dimaksudkan, dan menempelkannya di tempat-tempat ramai. Gambar visual yang tercetak di baliho, spanduk, poster dan aneka jenis media luar ruang yang lahir dari revolusi mesin cetak abad 15 silam masih menyesaki pelosok kota kita. Tidak terhitung produk-produk yang divisualkan melalui media luar ruang ini, mulai dari produk makanan, rumah, mobil, hingga wajah para tokoh partai atau tokoh organisasi tertentu. Di sinilah tulisan ini ingin memfokuskan diri, yakni bagaimana agama divisualkan di ruang publik, melalui media luar ruang, dan terus diproduksi keberadaannya untuk menyampaikan pesan atau agenda tertentu.

Visual Agama di Ruang Publik
Visual Merchandising of Religion
Agama Visual
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