
The color responses of insects associated with sugarbeet were evaluated in the field. Palestriped flea beetle, Systena blanda Melsheimer, exhibited a strong visual response to yellow water pan traps as compared to blue, black, red, green, orange, and white but was rarely recovered from elevated sticky traps. The aster leafhopper, Macrosteles fascifrons (Stal), and the leafhoppers Aceratagallia uhleri (Van Duzee) and Balclutha neglecta (Delong and Davidson) generally responded most positively to orange sticky traps and water pan traps. The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvais) and the beneficials Chrysopa carnea Stephens and convergent lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville, did not exhibit strong visual orientation to any color tested.

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