
The concept of peace has been and still is a desired state for many Nigerians, especially those living in Maiduguri, with the Boko Haram insurgency. Non-governmental organisations and the government have invested a lot of effort and different strategies in advocating for peace and peaceful coexistence in communities, especially internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in camps. This research positioned itself as a tool and driver to create an enabling environment for sustainable development within the society through peace promotion and peace education. Focus is placed on processes of drawing visuals, what the visuals elicited from the IDPs and how peace promotion took place as a transformative educational process. The chapter concludes that visual representations are an effective means of communicating and educating IDPs on the importance of peaceful coexistence. The chapter calls on relevant stakeholders to encourage more of an approach where emphasis is placed on the artistic drawing processes as well as on the production of the final drawing in eliciting context-specific visuals for effective communication of the importance of peace for sustainable development.

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