
Regarding the causes of blindness, Diabetic retinopathy is a one the majorcause of blindness in all types persons from both industrialized and developing countries.Due to inadequate eating habits, prevalence of diabetic retinopathy is increasing. Both focaland diffuse leakage from retinal capillaries can cause Diabetic macular edema. Varioustreatment modalities for macular photocoagulation are focal laser, Grid laser and modified gridused in patients having diabetic macular edema Study Design: Prospective, interventional,noncompetitive case series. Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, Allied Hospital andDepartment of Ophthalmology, Divisional Headquarter Hospital Faisalabad. Period: One yearfrom April 2012 to April 2013. Materials and Methods: A total of 200 eyes of 200 patientswith clinical significant macular edema that met the inclusion criteria were enrolled. Results: Inthis study, 200 patients with diabetic macular edema were studied. Of these 121 (60.5%) weremales and 79 (39.5%) females with mean age of 38.52 years (SD 7.512, Range 25-50 years).All patients had diffuse, clinically significant macular edema at baseline for which they hadreceived grid laser photocoagulation. Discussion: In recent past number of diabetic patientsall over the world has increased that has caused increase incident of diabetic retinopathy .Soin patients having diabetic retinopathy, macular edema can cause deterioration in visual acuityduring any stage of diabetic retinopathy. The pathogenesis of Diabetic macular edema (DME)is the disruption of inner blood – retinal barrier that is known to be associated with metabolicalteration affecting the retinal pigment epithelium or retinal vascular endothelium. Focal and/orgrid laser photocoagulation is being considered as the treatment of DME. Conclusion: Macularphotocoagulation was found to be an effective method of treatment for CSME among diabeticpatients, which has resulted in a positive visual outcome in 87% of the patients (stable andimproved vision).

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