
There is a challenge of developing computer programming visual language in the sphere of interdisciplinary research — cybernetics and philosophy, in particular, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and new area of the philosophical analysis — «philosophy of information». We consider the aspect «language — thinking» and the stages of developing interaction between a person and information environment by means of programs. We set up the problem concerning the necessity to find the ways of constructing software by nonprofessionals. We offer the efficient way to eliminate the distinction in the system «interface-software programming language» via using visual programming language as a tool for people to communicate with machine. We designate the prospects of using visual programming languages and difficulties in their creation and implementation. We conclude that developing cloud technologies opens up new opportunities to make cross-subject tools of creating and changing software functionality by people without professional qualifications in programming. It is noted that developing and using visual languages can have considerable impact on the development of nano-bio-info-cogno technologies (NBIC) as well as on the research in the field of cognitive management, artificial intelligence as modeling visual thinking and other research areas. We recommend further understanding how to use visual programming languages in social, philosophical and psychological aspects.

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