
To compare the effectiveness of visual examination, radiographic examination and fluorescence-aided caries excavation (FACE) in detecting occlusal caries in first permanent molars in 150 children aged 6-14 years with intact occlusal surface with caries lesions without cavitation, or with darkened or deep fissures that had no clear diagnosis. Two dentists independently performed a visual oral examination, FACE and bitewing radiography. The inter-rater reliability of each detection method was determined and their specificity and sensitivity. All caries detection methods showed high inter-rater reliability with absolute agreement between raters above 90%. Most caries lesions were detected by visual (75.8%) and FACE (79.1%), while only 28.8% of lesions were detected by radiography. Detection by visual examination was strongly correlated with detection by FACE (X2=37.9, Phi=0.498, p<0.001). A lower, yet statistically significant, correlation was found between visual examination and X-ray radiography (X2=5.53, Phi=0.190, p<0.001). FACE had higher sensitivity (87%) and specificity (65%) for detecting occlusal caries in comparison with radiography (60% specificity and 55% sensitivity). Although visual examination remains the best method to detect occlusal caries in young permanent molars in children, FACE is an effective and accurate diagnostic tool that may aid in detection and treatment decisions.

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