
In order to describe the visual behavior of teacher-pupil dyads during a cooperative learning task, 57 student-teachers (32 females and 25 males) were allocated to three groups of children, 21 Australian-born, 18 immigrants with good facility with English, average length of residence in Australia 7.3 years, and 18 with restricted ability in the English language, average residence 1.2 years. The study used a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial design (group x teacher sex x child sex) with the dependent variables mutual glance and unreciprocated glances tallied and timed to provide a frequency per minute count and duration of gaze as a proportion of total time. The group containing recent immigrants shared more than twice the amount of gaze and for longer than twice the amount of time than the other two groups. No other main effects or interactions were significant.

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