
Profiling the transcriptomes of single cells without sacrificing spatial information is a major goal of the field of spatial transcriptomics, but current technologies require tradeoffs between single-cell resolution and whole-transcriptome coverage. In one animal species, the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, a comprehensive spatial transcriptome with single-cell resolution is attainable using existing datasets, thanks to the worm's invariant cell lineage and a series of recently generated single cell transcriptomes. Here we present VISTA, which leverages these datasets to provide a visualization of the worm spatial transcriptome, focusing specifically on the nervous system. VISTA allows users to input a query gene and visualize its expression across all neurons in the form of a "spatial heatmap" in which the color of a cell reports the expression level. Underlying gene expression values (in Transcripts Per Million) are displayed when an individual cell is selected. We provide examples of the utility of VISTA for identifying striking new gene expression patterns in specific neurons, and for resolving cellular identities of ambiguous expression patterns generated from in vivo reporter genes. The ability to easily obtain gene-level snapshots of the neuronal spatial transcriptome should facilitate studies on neuron-specific gene expression and regulation and provide a template for the high-resolution spatial transcriptomes the field hopes to obtain for various animal species in the future. VISTA is freely available at the following URL: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/smu.oit.data.insights/viz/VISTA_16814210566130/VISTA.

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