
Currently, there is a rapid growth of demand for cultural tourism and there is a growing trend of cultural interest as a tourism product in the world. Indonesia has a lot of cultural and historical heritage with a multicultural population and serves as an integral part of the world's cultural heritage. In order to have an impact on the economy, this cultural heritage must be managed properly. Therefore there needs to be a study on the cultural heritage tourism model by balancing the interests between the tourism industry and heritage preservation as the main agenda to get a mutually sustainable relationship in cultural heritage tourism. The objectives in research are to; 1) knowing the potential of the Maghilewa traditional village as a cultural tourism destination, 2) knowing the feasibility of the traditional village as a cultural heritage destination, 3) formulating the steps that will be taken to prepare the traditional village as a cultural heritage destination. This research is a qualitative descriptive study to get an overview of the potential and feasibility of cultural tourism villages and the steps to make traditional villages into cultural tourism destinations. The results showed that the traditional village of Maghilewa was feasible to be developed into a cultural heritage destination. In developing the traditional village of Maghilewa, it is feasible as a cultural heritage destination, it requires a lot of support from the community, local government, and academics. The steps that must be taken are to build synergy between stakeholders in order to build the capacity of the Maghilewa Traditional Village community and encourage the Regional Government to implement comprehensive policies in participatory tourism development by prioritizing the conservation of local culture.

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