
This article discusses the protocol that was compiled during the canonical visitation conducted in rural parishes in the diocese of Vienna in the year 1582. The protocol is kept in the Archives of the Diocese of Vienna (DAW, Wiener Protokolle [WP] 7, 1581– 1587, fol. 295r–298r and 343r–364r) and consists of the actual visitation records as well as preliminary and final records. The source text is read in the context of church policy measures which, since the Council of Trent, were gradually implemented within the Habsburg monarchy from the end of the 16th century onwards, ultimately leading to the formation of the Confessional state in Austria during the 17th century. The object of this contribution is to contextualise the protocol within this process of Catholic Confessionalisation in the diocese of Vienna and, furthermore, to highlight the special source value of this textual genre for the research on the Early Modern period.

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