
Expanding Horizons for new Visions & Perceptions about future cities have always formed our prime concerns and ultimate intentions. This coincides with the global technological Innovations that create immense transformation in the way cities and communities organize and develop their environments… Launching our second scientificassembly, our aim is to mingle all levels of city designing concepts with the continuous upcoming technological ideas & themes, to accomplish environmental efficiency and prosperity… Thus, the conference incorporates a wide range of themes concerning Architecture design, Sustainability, Green Infrastructure, Socio-economics, Environmental engineering, BIM and several other themes acquiring knowledge, innovations and environmental technologies. The conference is jointly organized by Cairo Higher Institute (CHI) and ARCH space, in collaboration with a group of honorable international experts enriching the research community in fields of environmental,urban design and city planning…Supported by the Journal of Architecture,Arts and Humanistic Science, the conference attempts to enhance and add value for current research and produce an exceptional environment of knowledge exchange…All accepted paper will be published in scientific journals.List of Partners, Scientific Committee, Organizing Committee, Conference Main Themes, Conference Dates are available in this Pdf.

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