
A higher incidence of ocular morbidity including visual perceptual disorders has been noted in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Individuals with ASD show a lack of eye contact, poorly developed eye-hand coordination, and decreased visual perceptual skills. The presence of such deficits may influence the development of cognitive, motor skills, perception, behaviour, social interactions, and communication of these children. A nine-year-old male child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder presented with a lack of eye contact, challenges in gross and fine motor skills, and social interactions. A comprehensive eye examination was performed, followed by an assessment of visual-spatial abilities of the child. Developmental Test of Visual Perception - third edition, administered to understand visual-motor integration and motor-reduced visual perceptual skills, revealed perceptual deficits in all domains. The child completed 30 sessions of vision therapy resulting in significant improvement in visual-spatial skills, visual-motor integration, and motor-reduced visual perception. This case demonstrated that individuals with ASD can benefit from vision therapy. Significant changes in behaviour including improved attention span and increased understanding of instructions were evident from parental feedback. Visual perceptual skill training holds the promise of being an adjunct developmentally supportive intervention for some children with an autism spectrum disorder.

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