
The field of robotics is changing the world in which we live today and the future generations will be largely served by various robotic services which will be highly efficient and dynamic. Offering affordable and efficient robotic services to the society is the need of the hour and this project is highly inclined towards this theme. The latest touch screen technology and the use of mechanical components like joysticks can be replaced by Gesture Controlled Robotics. The product is aimed at improving the conditions of motor neuron disabled persons using OpenCV libraries of Processing3 software and Arduino Uno (Atmega328 microcontroller). The vision of the disabled person is sensed using a Glass Eye Tracker and every 25th frame of the picture (here it is the pupil) is sent to the Processing3 software. This software processes the image based on the algorithm. The ports of Processing3 software and Arduino are serially communicated. Now the Arduino performs the output part with the help of L293D motor driver and 24V DC motor.

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