
ABSTRACTAccording to current theories of the formation of stellar systems, comets belong to the oldest and most pristine class of bodies to be found around a star. When approaching the Sun, the nucleus shows increasing activity and a pressure increase inside the material causes sublimated and trapped gas molecules to stream away from their regions of origin towards the surface. The present work studies two essential mechanisms of gas transport through a porous layer, namely the Darcy and the Knudsen flow. Gas flow measurements are performed in the laboratory with several analogue materials, which are mimicking dry cometary surface properties. In this first series of measurements, the aim was to separate gas transport properties from internal sources like local sublimation or release of trapped gases. Therefore, only dry granular materials were used and maintaining a low temperature environment was unnecessary. The gas permeability and the Knudsen diffusion coefficient of the sample materials are obtained, thereby representing the relative importance of the respective flow mechanism. The experiments performed with air at a stable room temperature show that the grain size distribution and the packing density of the sample play a major role for the permeability of the sample. The larger the grains, the bigger the permeability and the Knudsen diffusion coefficient. From the latter, we estimated effective pore diameters. Finally, we explain how these parameters can be adapted to obtain the gas flow properties of the investigated analogue materials under the conditions to be expected on the comet.

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