
The rheology of the Martian mantle and the planet's initial temperature is constrained with thermal evolution models that include crust growth and test the conditions for magnetic field generation in the core. As observations we use the present-day average crustal thickness of 50–120 km as estimated from the Mars Global Surveyor gravity and topography data, the evidence for the crust being produced mostly early, with a rate declining from the Noachian to the Hesperian, and the evidence for an early magnetic field that likely existed for less than a billion years. We use the fact that the rate of crust growth is a function of temperature, which must be above the solidus in the sub-lithosphere mantle, and the mantle convection speed because the latter determines the rate at which melt can be replenished. The convection speed is a strong function of viscosity which, in turn, is a strong function of temperature and also of the water content of the mantle. We use a viscosity parameterization with a reference viscosity evaluated at 1600 K the value of which can be characteristic of either a dry or a wet mantle. We further consider the Fe–FeS phase diagram for the core and compare the core liquidus estimated for a sulphur content of 14% as suggested by the SNC meteorite compositions with the core temperatures calculated for our cooling models. Two data sets of the Fe–FeS eutectic temperature have been used that differ by about 200 K [Böhler, R., 1996. Fe–FeS eutectic temperatures at 620 kbar. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 96, 181–186; Fei, Y., Bertka, C.M., Finger, L.W., 1997. High-pressure iron–sulphur compound, Fe 3S 2, and melting relations in the Fe–FeS system. Science 275, 1621–1623] at Martian core–mantle boundary pressure and in the eutectic composition by 5 wt%. The differences in eutectic temperature and composition translate into a difference of about 400 K in liquidus temperature for 14 wt% sulphur. We find it premature to rule out specific mantle rheologies on the basis of the presently available crustal thickness and crust growth evidence. Rather a trade-off exists between the initial mantle temperature and the reference viscosity. Both a wet mantle rheology with a reference viscosity less than 10 20 Pas and a dry mantle rheology with a reference viscosity of 10 21 Pas or more can be acceptable if initial mantle temperatures between roughly 1700 and 2000 K are allowed. To explain the magnetic field history, the differences in liquidus temperatures matter. For a liquidus temperature of about 1900 K at the Martian core–mantle boundary as calculated from the Böhler et al. eutectic, a dry mantle rheology can best explain the lack of a present-day dynamo. For a liquidus temperature of about 1500 K at the core–mantle boundary as calculated from the Fei et al. eutectic all models are consistent with the observed lack of dynamo action. The reason lies with the fact that at 14 wt% S the Martian core would be close to the eutectic composition if the Fei et al. data are correct. As inner core growth is unlikely for an almost eutectic core, the early field would have been generated by a thermally driven dynamo. Together with the measured strength of the Martian crustal magnetization this would prove the feasibility of a strong thermally driven dynamo.

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