
The viscosities of melts of V205 and V20s-beryl(Cr3+)system were measured by a Broo: kfield type visc meter in the temperature range fr m 700 t 1070 The results with in a maximum error of 9% were oftainedThe flows o th melts were found to be Newtonian above ca 880 C and non-Newtonian be1 w 870 q which vaXied.300 t 36 centip isesr The l garithms f vlscosity f both rnelts are plotted agdinst the reciprocal of absolute temperature in Fig 3a d 4 Two linear relationsof lo9 na 1/T were fo ti nd below ca, 870 c and above ca, 880, From the slopes of these linear relations, the energies of activation for viscousbowsof melts of V205 and V20 bery1(Cr3) system were 23.8 24.2kcal/m 1 be1 w-ca 870. C and 2, 0, 3, 4kca1/m l above ca.880C respectively.The molar volume as a flow unit in V2O5 melt was calculated from Eyring's transition state theory, using the estimated entr py f activati n(dSdi several ca1/deg m 1), and assumed t be about 5 10 times la ger than a tolar volume of a unit cell of V20 below ca 870 C and ca.1 3 times abovea.880 C.

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