
Viscoelastic properties of aqueous solutions of hyaluronic acid extracted from cockscomb, were studied by make use of magnetic rheometer which was constructed by our laboratory under the conditions of: T (period)/s=180~11,520, F0(amplitude of external sinusoidal force)/N=10-7~10-8(10-5N≅1mg·wt), A0(amplitude of oscillation)/m≅10-4, Cp(polymer concentration)/wt%=0.5, and <Mη>=1.99×106. The results were analysed by the mechanical models, and were found to be well explained by applying the 3-element model (Voigt model with Gg(glass modulus) in series) of Gg/Pa>>Ge/Pa=8.78×10-3, η(Pa·s)=1.205×101 from the plot of J1, J2 vs. log10 ωλ; here J* (complex compliance)=J1-i·J2, ω/(rad·s)=2π/T and λ(retardation time)/s≡η/Ge. This result may be attributed to the experimental condition under very low frequency oscillations.

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