
The purpose of this research article is to explore a possible link between cancer risk probability percentage (Cancer %) and body weight (BW) in the early morning. Body weight is very easy to measure by standing on a weight scale. Weight in the early morning is highly correlated with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) measured in the early morning or averaged glucose during sleeping hours. FPG also serves as the baseline of postprandial plasma glucose (PPG) and contributes around 25% to 29% of daily average glucose (eAG). Daily average glucose levels or quarterly HbA1C values (average eAG during the past 90-115 days) determine the severity of diabetes disease. Finally, diabetes is one of the major influential chronic diseases for developing many kinds of diseases and complications, including cancers. From the author’s mathematical view, in this biomedical field, an output biomarker sometimes turns into an input biomarker of a third biomarker. Therefore, many biomedical problems can be described as a scenario of the matrix with “m by n by p” dimensions. Since 2012, the author has been collecting his body weight (BW) and finger-piercing glucose values each day. In addition, he accumulates medical conditions data including blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and blood lipids along with lifestyle details (LD). Based on his collected big data, he further organized them into two main groups. The first is the medical conditions group (MC) with 4 categories: weight, glucose, BP, and blood lipids. The second is the LD group with 6 categories: food & diet, exercise, water intake, sleep, stress, and daily routines. At first, he collected his data on a daily basis since Y2012 and then calculated a unique combined daily score for each of the 10 categories within the MC and LD groups. The combined scores of the 2 groups, 10 categories, and 500+ detailed elements constitute an overall “metabolism index (MI) model”. This MI model includes the root causes from 6 major lifestyle inputs and symptoms from 4 rudimentary chronic diseases: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Therefore, it can serve as the foundation and building block for his additional research work that can expand into various diseases associated with different organs, such as cancers. As we know, lifestyle details cause rudimentary chronic diseases which further influence more complicated diseases, such as heart problems (CVD & CHD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), stroke, diabetic retinopathy (DR), neuropathy, hypothyroidism, diabetic constipation, diabetic skin fungal infection, and others including cancers. Some genetic conditions and lifetime unhealthy habits, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and illicit drug use would account for approximately 15% to 25% of the root cause of chronic diseases & their complications, including cancers and dementia. Some external factors - environmental factors and viral infections, such as radiation, air and water pollution, food poison and pollution, toxic chemicals, and hormonal therapy can also contribute to the causes of a variety of cancers.

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