
Every living being in the world from birth to death depend others in one way or other. A person attracts himself and those who depend on him by his moral behaviors, ethics and good deeds. The literature that travels in his life is reflected in the society and changes the society in a positive way. The literature from the Sangam period to today is an illustration of the social condition. Literature highlights the appropriate ways for a person who born as a human being to live as a human being and to develop himself as a social person. Also, when every human being lays down moral restrictions and duties for himself and strives to live in the ways prescribed by literature, this world will achieve all kinds of benefits. In this, setting up the association and developing the Tamil language is the pride for the Tamil people. No other people of other language have this kind of pride. We all know that language has been preserved. When examining Tamil anthropology through the ancient Sangam literature which proclaims the Tamil tradition and moral life, the cultural elements of the Sangam people can be seen as valuable. In this way, in Nakkeer's Thirumurukatrupadai, which is the opening song of Patuppattu, explains when the dignitaries who realize the mistake they have committed and seek forgiveness to Thirumurugan, he will remove the guilt of his servants and bless him. This article is carried out on the basis of Thirumurukatrupadai that honesty in life and maturity of not deceiving anyone, proclaiming love without anger and hatred, dealing with everyone in harmony, protecting the environment from destruction, and worshiping Murugan will prosper our lives and the lives of others.

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