
Traditional sports and esports benefit from the development of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), including gaming, 4D image/video processing, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), big data, high-performance computing (HPC), and cloud computing. On the fuzzy border between the areas of physical and modified reality, both types of sports can coexist. The hardware layer of esports includes PC, consoles, smartphones, and peripherals used to interface with computers, including sensors and feedback devices. The IT layer of esports includes algorithms required in the development of games, online platforms, and virtual reality. The esports community includes amateur and professional players, spectators, esports organizers, sponsors, and other stakeholders. Esports and gaming research spans throughout law (intellectual rights, insurance, safety, and age restrictions), administration (teams, clubs, organizations, league regulations, and tournaments) biology (medicine, psychology, addiction, training and education) Olympic and non- Olympic disciplines, ethical issues, game producers, finance, gambling, data acquisition and analysis. Our article aims to presents selected research issues of esports in the ICT virtualization layer.

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