
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic radically altered the landscape of education, particularly affecting primary and secondary school students. Traditional classroom environments, characterized by physical interaction and social learning, were suddenly swapped out for remote learning platforms during the first two academic years of the pandemic. While educational institutions quickly pivoted to online learning to maintain some semblance of normalcy, research indicates that these years represented a low point in educational quality for teachers and students alike. A plethora of educational models have emerged in response to the challenges introduced by the pandemic-induced shift to digital learning. Among these, three-dimensional virtual learning environments have attracted considerable attention. These platforms aim to elevate the student experience by enhancing readiness levels and promoting interpersonal interaction. In the context of these sweeping changes, the study focuses on the Metaverse—a concept that has garnered significant buzz in contemporary discussions on digital transformation.
 The study's primary objective is to explore the feasibility of using the Metaverse as an educational tool, particularly in the realm of accounting education. The paper delves into various facets of the Metaverse, reviewing the existing literature to understand its potential benefits and limitations. Specifically, the study scrutinizes its application in accounting education, outlining a series of recommendations based on evaluations of previous educational endeavors within Metaverse settings. The study brings to light various critical points concerning the adaptability and efficacy of the Metaverse as a viable model for accounting education. It raises essential questions: Can the Metaverse bridge the gap left by traditional classroom settings in fostering engagement and facilitating high-quality learning experiences? Or are the complexities and limitations of this novel platform too great to make it a practical solution for accounting education? By investigating these queries and cross-referencing them with empirical evidence, the study provides a nuanced understanding of the Metaverse's potential role in shaping the future of accounting education. The pandemic has been a catalyst for innovation in education but has also highlighted the limitations of hastily adopted digital models. The study ventures into the realm of possible solutions, examining the Metaverse as a prospective alternative that could potentially revolutionize accounting education. Through an in-depth review of the literature and a critical evaluation of existing Metaverse educational models, the paper offers valuable insights that could inform future educational strategies in the accounting domain.

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