
Interest in virtual worlds and their application to learning have increased significantly in recent years. There are many different types of virtual worlds and they are used for a multiplicity of purposes including gaming, play, social networking, learning and development, work, and also business. Virtual worlds are a new tool that we can use to enhance realtime online communication and collaboration and to construct engaging online activities. They provide users with a very strong sense of presence through their avatars and also a sense of space. When we're immersed inside a virtual world, we usually feel that we're really sharing a certain space with other users. There are a number of promising examples showing the benefits of using virtual worlds in i) entertainment and social networking, ii) education and training, iii) e-commerce and e-business; iv) research and development, v) tele-working and tele-conferences; and vi) e-government and public sector information. This paper aims at concentrating on the virtual world in education and entertainment sector.

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