
Water is at the heart of sustainable development and is critical to socio-economic development, healthy ecosystems, and human survival. This is important for raising the global disease burden and improving people's health, education, and productivity. It is central to manufacturing and preserving a host of benefits and services for humans. However, Water is at the center of adaptation to climate change and serves as the essential connection between the climate system, human society, and ecosystem. A significant case of embedded complex systems is the globalization of water, related to the transport of virtual water supplies from one area to another. Due to insufficient water supplies, many nations rely on imports of food. This is similar to importing virtual water, but it could be useful for countries with water shortages. It is often noted that net imports of virtual water in a water-scarce country can reduce the water supply pressure and that virtual water can be seen as an alternative source of water. This additional source will be a tool in the planning and management of water supplies. Virtual water trade is thus an actual reality, and it would not be feasible to argue whether or not countries can trade food products in virtual water. The virtual water strategy explores ways to use internal and external water supplies consciously and effectively to mitigate water scarcity. VWT work has demonstrated the presence of national and global social and environmental benefits. VW transfers are widely used to aid malnutrition and alleviate the impact of national food crises.

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