
Against the backdrop of growing prevalence of digital platforms in higher education, strong considerations are being made for the potential of virtual student mobility in the aftermath of the pandemic. While extant literature on digital education platforms has shed light on the relationships between platform interfaces and wider political economies, less is known about students’ experiences of virtually mediated mobility and immobility. This article draws upon research that examines how students and universities are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent impact on border control and international travel. First, it discusses how the socio-technical platform of Zoom extends and stabilises students’ imagined, communicative, and aspirational mobilities in a context of stalled physical mobility. Second, it underlines the crevices and moorings of digital platforms in the mediation of students’ experiences of mobility and immobility. Third, it examines how students refashion their (im)mobile subjectivities in and through digital spaces vis-à-vis a negotiation of co-presences in a renewed context of virtual interaction. In doing so, we argue the role of corporeal mobility, social interaction, and inhabiting tangible places remain a core aspect of student mobility experiences and aspirations.

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