
This paper presents a framework for controlling a PC's mouse cursor through hand motions, making a virtual mouse, this method of laying out a course of collaboration among human and PC is developing since the creation of PC innovation. This uses PC vision and motion acknowledgment procedures to follow and decipher the developments of a client's hand. By recognizing predefined hand motions, the client will be permitted to control a portion of the PC cursor capabilities with their hands. The framework makes an interpretation of these motions into comparing mouse activities, like cursor development, clicking, and looking over. This innovation offers a novel and natural way to deal with human-PC cooperation, possibly improving client experience in applications going from gaming to openness. The proposed framework will just require a webcam as an info gadget. The product's that will be expected to execute the proposed framework carried out in Python utilizing OpenCV and PyAutoGUI. The user will be able to further calibrate the camera by viewing its output on the system's screen.

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