
The subject of the study is the process of reproduction of human capital and consumer choice of young people. The object of the study is the human capital system, taking into account the consumer choices of young people. The authors study in detail such aspects of the topic as the differentiation of employment among young people, the social and labor values of youth in the conditions of consumer society and exposure as a system of expectations and requirements imposed on the individual regarding the norms of her social roles. Special attention is paid to the analysis of official statistics describing youth employment as a social group. Attention is drawn to the interest of young people in new technologies that provide a full production cycle, which meets the expectations of this age group of human capital. The main conclusions of the study are: - the active phase of the formation of the labor market of young professionals involves ensuring a balanced supply and demand. Of particular importance are measures to coordinate the volume and structure of training specialists with the needs of the labor market. This is achieved by streamlining information about available vacancies, as well as encouraging employers to create additional jobs for young people; - as part of the change in the employment structure, it is planned to create new types of youth employment. At the same time, one of the key areas of the state's activity is seen in stimulating the development of entrepreneurial activity among young people, credit benefits, and deepening institutional reforms. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is to determine the directions that correspond to the expectations of youth as the most active resource of human capital. The novelty of the research lies in the concretization of the process of human capital formation in Russian society, taking into account the professional adaptation of young people.

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