
In this paper, we demonstrate the effects of the affect display of anger by virtual facial image synthesis with facial color enhancement and expression on the basis of the analysis of facial color under the emotional change of anger. First, we examine the relationship between the change in the facial color and the physiological index of facial skin temperature, which indicates the change in the blood flux under the emotional change of anger. Second, on the basis of this result, we synthesize 11 enhanced facial color images by using an average facial image of 68 females with their eyes and mouth masked out; we evaluate the effectiveness of these images through a sensory evaluation by performing a paired comparison. Further, we synthesize enhanced facial color images by using the average facial image in which only the eyes were masked out and evaluate the correspondence between the lip color and facial color after performing the enhanced facial color synthesis for an affect display of facial color through a sensory evaluation. Finally, we synthesize the facial expression of anger with enhanced facial color by using the average facial image and evaluate the effectiveness for the affect display of the image through the sensory evaluation of seven-point bipolar ratings.

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