
Sight is a precious ability that grants us the privilege of perceiving the world around us. It empowers individuals to grasp their surroundings in all its splendor. However, for those who lack this gift, life can be a constant struggle. In this paper, we introduce a straightforward, cost- effective, and user-friendly virtual eye system designed to enhance the mobility and independence of individuals who are visually impaired or blind within a specific area. This innovative project aims to enable blind individuals to navigate and comprehend their environment using auditory cues. It revolves around a visual-centric concept, where essential components like a camera, a Raspberry Pi (a small computer), and earphones are integrated into a single unit. Furthermore, it harnesses the power of the internet for seamless interaction. To outline the process, the system takes image or video input (consisting of multiple frames), which is captured and analyzed by the connected camera interfaced with the Raspberry Pi or Internet of Things (IOT) technology. This analysis helps detect objects, and the corresponding audio information is then relayed to the individual through the earphones. The primary objective of this system is to elevate the quality of life for the visually impaired by leveraging cutting-edge technology. By offering a comprehensive solution, this setup empowers those with visual limitations to navigate their surroundings with increased confidence and reduced limitations. Key Words: Raspberry Pi, camera ,ultrasonic sensor

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