
Virtual Energy Storage System (VESS), which will allow the non-programmable power plants to keep generating even in times of oversupply. It is possible to store the surplus energy in the batteries of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and drive the wheels by the clean energy. In addition, the delivery of the stored energy to the distribution grid in order to support the demand for ancillary service has a great prospective. A feasible solution would be to implement a robust and secure model to aggregate all the EVs under the umbrella of utility service providers. This paper demonstrates an idea named “locality” to aggregate the EVs for enabling ancillary service. To implement the concept of “locality”, it is required to combine new, smarter gear with the current utility service providers' infrastructure, which will be devoted to updating the position of the EVs inside the locality. The balance of demand and generation for the integration of large number of EVs in the grid will become easier. The segregation of the geographic area by the localities allows the utility service provider to forecast the load by activities of the users of the EVs. In addition, it discusses to enable the ancillary services by planned aggregation of the EV's batteries, which gives the privilege to sustain the batteries for more life cycles by maintaining the cumulative SoC. It also demonstrates the process of avoiding catastrophic decrease of the battery capacity while activating those batteries for the ancillary services. Finally, it introduces Mobile Energy Storage System (MESS) to support the EVs to keep the healthy C-Rate while participating in the ancillary services.

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