
The use of virtual consultations in general practice is perhaps simply another component in the ongoing modernisation of health care. GPs have used telephone consultations for over a century so upgrading the medium may be seen as a logical extension of this. However, aside from this natural progression, there exists an altogether stronger force expediting the rate of adoption: the evolving healthcare user. There is growing dissatisfaction with existing services on account of increased waiting times and shorter consultations. In 2016, patients were required to wait almost 2 weeks for a routine GP appointment, a 30% increase on the previous year, and a figure that is expected to rise to 17 days this year.1 Likewise, GP consultations in the UK are far shorter than many other countries in the developed world, with 92% of consultations lasting less than 15 minutes.2 This immense pressure on GP services and the resultant patient frustration, in …

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