
Virtual and remote laboratories are excellent educational tools that allow students and professors to simulate and later interact with equipment in the same way as they would do if they were in person in the real laboratory. In this work, we present a virtual and remote laboratory for learning control theory with DC motors. Following the guidelines of the Automatl@bs project, the laboratory has been programmed using Easy Java Simulations (EJS) environment. It has been incorporated into the Remote Laboratory of Automatic Control of the University of León (LRA-ULE), whose Content Management System (CMS), based on Drupal, facilitates integration and management tasks. The physical equipment is the Feedback MS-150, widely used on introductory courses of Automatic Control. Its modular feature allows linking modules easily to perform speed, position or double feedback control loops. The remote access has been performed by configuring a link between EJS and LabVIEW which is used to collect data from the acquisition card PCL-812PG, connected to the equipment.

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