
Data from the Brazilian Surveillance System for Violence and Accidents (VIVA) in 2009 were used to examine socio-demographic characteristics, outcomes, and types of accidents and violence treated at 74 sentinel emergency services in 23 Brazilian State capitals and the Federal District. The analysis included 25,201 individuals aged > 20 years (10.1% > 60 years); 89.3% were victims of accidents and 11.9% victims of violence. Hospitalization was the outcome in 11.1% of cases. Compared to the general population, there were more men and non-white individuals among victims of accidents, and especially among victims of violence. As compared to younger adults (20-59 years), accidents and violence against elderly victims showed less association with alcohol, a higher proportion of domestic incidents, more falls and pedestrian accidents, and aggression by family members. Policies for the prevention of accidents and violence should consider the characteristics of these events in the older population.


  • Data from the Brazilian Surveillance System for Violence and Accidents (VIVA) in 2009 were used to examine socio-demographic characteristics, outcomes, and types of accidents and violence treated at 74 sentinel emergency services in 23 Brazilian State capitals and the Federal District

  • Hospitalization was the outcome in 11.1% of cases

  • Policies for the prevention of accidents and violence should consider the characteristics of these events in the older population

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Fonte de dados

A fonte de dados deste trabalho foi o Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes (VIVA), considerando-se o ano de 2009. O inquérito foi realizado em 74 serviços sentinela para urgência e emergência em 23 capitais de estados e no Distrito Federal. Os serviços foram selecionados segundo critérios de referência para atendimento às causas externas, conforme registro dos serviços credenciados de urgência e emergência no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saú-. Para o presente trabalho foram considerados atributos individuais, desfecho da ocorrência e características do acidente e da violência. Os atributos individuais incluíram idade (20-59 e 60 anos ou mais), sexo, cor da pele autorreferida, número de anos de estudo, presença de deficiência (física, mental, visual, auditiva e outras), uso autorreferido de bebidas alcoólicas e local da ocorrência do evento. Como desfechos da ocorrência foram considerados alta, encaminhamento para outro serviço (exceto hospital), internação hospitalar e óbitos

Informações complementares
Análise dos dados
Valor de p **
Variação percentual **
Variação percentual *
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