
Abstract This study examined the content published by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo regarding domestic violence before and after Law 11340/06, commonly known as Maria da Penha Law, came into force. A retrospective and comparative documentary research analyzed 3408 news reports published between 1994 and 2018. Divided into two corpora, ‘12 years before’ and ‘12 years after’ the Law, the material was analyzed using the IRaMuTeQ software and Descending Hierarchical Classification. The first corpus included news reports on cases involving celebrities and little about ordinary people. It also covered the feminist struggle to reduce domestic violence, focusing on specialized police stations and shelters. The second corpus included reports on the achievements generated by the Law and its challenges, pointing out the need to regard the law as more than a punitive instrument, addressing its preventive and care spheres. Problematizing how the media discloses such law is paramount, since the content divulged affects the construction of social representations.

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