
Requiem#3: Body Graves (2019) is part of the Requiem project, a series of interventions in which Violeta Luna explores the representation of violence as a ritual and uses her body as a territory for political-social dialogue. This participatory performance draws attention to those who are buried in mass graves in Mexico and seeks to rescue their existence from oblivion, while questioning institutional impunity and involving the viewer in the search efforts. In a context in which the task of locating the remains of loved ones falls on civil society, the piece highlights how the disappeared and their families are victims of the ineffectiveness of the "narco-machine" that has become the Mexican State. Requiem#3 constitutes a performativity of disappearance, in which ritual, visual, and auditory aspects converge within a framework of necrotheatricality and transform the auditorium into a communitas. Music and sounds combine with body movements and acting objects to transform the stage into an altar that highlights the (un)burial of memory.

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