
Despite the numerous achievements and success in various spheres of human activity, the modern civilization, unfortunately, has not yet been able to completely get rid of such a serious and shameful problem as violence against children. Not only in economically backward and developing countries, where numerous forms of infringement of the children’s rights have deep historical roots, but in the vast majority of the most developed countries of the world, violence against children has now acquired massive and catastrophic proportions. If we follow the ancient wisdom, that the maturity of any society emerges fully in terms of the relations that have developed in it with regard to the elderly and children, then a rather simple conclusion is drawn: the earth population has not yet reached the understanding of a number of eternal and simple truths. After all, any violent actions committed against children at present create objective and subjective prerequisites for the further reproduction of such actions in the future, but in relation to even younger generations. In this context, it is quite obvious that there is an urgent need to unite the efforts of the world community, states and individual citizens to stop and actively pursue any violent actions against children not only within the framework of existing legislation, but also in everyday life, where the moral support or condemnation are of great practical importance. In addition, there is an urgent need to develop special international and state projects and programs, aimed at protecting children’s rights and protecting them from any form of physical and spiritual violence. It is difficult to imagine a deep substantive justifi cation of any measures to eliminate violence against children as a negative phenomenon of public life without a comprehensive quantitative description of such a unique object of research, which by defi nition is impossible without detailed and reliable statistical information. At present, obtaining such information causes great difficulties, which, naturally, creates additional obstacles to the knowledge of the true extent of the spread and consequences of the violence against children. For the above reasons, it is of great scientific and practical interest to improve the methodological foundations of statistical research on violence against children, implying both a clear interpretation of the subject of cognition and the development of a modern system of indicators that allows displaying various aspects of such a complex and negative social phenomenon.


  • Despite the numerous achievements and success in various spheres of human activity, the modern civilization, has not yet been able to completely get rid of such a serious and shameful problem as violence against children

  • Any violent actions committed against children at present create objective and subjective prerequisites for the further reproduction of such actions in the future, but in relation to even younger generations

  • It is quite obvious that there is an urgent need to unite the efforts of the world community, states and individual citizens to stop and actively pursue any violent actions against children within the framework of existing legislation, and in everyday life, where the moral support or condemnation are of great practical importance

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Social statistics

Современная цивилизация, несмотря на многочисленные достижения и успехи в самых различных сферах человеческой деятельности, к сожалению, пока не смогла полностью избавиться от такой серьезной и постыдной проблемы как насилие над детьми. Не только в экономически отсталых и развивающихся странах, где многочисленные формы ущемления прав детей имеют глубокие исторические корни, но и в подавляющем большинстве самых развитых стран земного шара насилие над детьми сегодня приобрело массовые и катастрофические масштабы. Осуществляемые над детьми в настоящем, создают объективные и субъективные предпосылки для дальнейшего воспроизводства подобных действий в перспективе, но уже по отношению к еще более молодым поколениям. В этом контексте совершенно очевидно, что существует насущная потребность в объединении усилий мирового сообщества, государств и отдельных граждан для того, чтобы любые насильственные действия над детьми были прекращены и активно преследовались не только в рамках действующего законодательства, но и в повседневной жизни, где зачастую просто моральная поддержка или осуждение имеют большое практическое значение. Ключевые слова: Насилие над детьми, насилие над детьми как объект статистики, статистическая оценка насилия над детьми

Violence against children as a special object for the statistical research
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