
The pronoun ‘vin’ (‘who’) is an ancient lexical item. It has neither a complete paradigm of declension nor a category of number; abundance can be expressed by doubling the stem: vin movida? – vin da vin movidnen? (tamari da nino movidnen) (Who came? – Who and who came? (Tamar and Nino came). From the 19th century, the –‘eb’ form of the pronoun ‘vin’ – ‘vinebi’ (‘whos’) emerges in the mountainous dialects of the Georgian language, as “ an attempt to create a plural form’’ of the ‘vin’ pronoun (A. Shanidze). From the following period, ‘vinebi’ (the ‘whos’) spread to other dialects, in general, to the Georgian language, and here and there even in fiction. Today it is especially noticeable in the speech of young people and children. It seems that the media, social network, and other means of communication also contribute to this process. In our opinion, the basis for the emergence and further spread of the ‘vinebi’ can be: 1. The need for formal agreement (apart from the semantic one) of the pronoun ‘vin’ (‘vints’) (who ([the one] who) with the verb and the corresponding word (vin iq’o stumari -vin iq’o stumrebi>vin iq’vnen stumrebi || vin da vin iq’vnen stumrebi || vinebi iq’vnen stumrebi) (Who was the guest – Who was the guests > Who were the guests || Who and who were the guests || Whos were the guests); 2. The analogy of the production of other pronouns formed with the suffix -eb (ra - ra-n-i, ra da ra || raebi. (‘what’) Cf. vin-vin and vin || vinebi (‘who’); also dialect forms: amaebi, magaebi, magnebi, agenebi, eseebi, isebi/isnebi… (these/those); 3. The general regularity of a language involves giving more space to organic production compared to the descriptive one and facilitating the pronunciation, etc. (ra da ra moitkhoves? vin da vin ts’avidnen? Cf. raebi moitkhoves? vinebi ts’avidnen?). (What and what did they demand? Who and who went? Cf. What did they demand? Who left?). The form ‘vinebi’ (‘whos’) which is incorrect for the literary language is a new reality. Its future will probably be determined by the language itself. საკვანძო სიტყვები: ქართული ენის მორფოლოგია, ნაცვალსახელის წარმოება, ნაცვალსახელის მრავლობითი რიცხვის გამოხატვა. Keywords: Morphology of the Georgian language, pronoun formation, expressing plural in pronouns.

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