
Since 2010, Hungary started new processes which changed democracy development in the state. These processes started when Prime Minister, leader of “Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance” Viktor Orban, was elected. This politician represented values of the the National-conservatism. He started the reform cycle, which replaced the Fundamental Law of Hungary that introduces laws intersecting with the European Union legislation. This law seeks to change the political system which was formed during the post-socialist transformation. This article analyzes the evolution of political system in Hungary during the post-socialist transformation and cardinal changes in its political system since 2010, when V. Orban became the Prime Minister of Hungary. This article will particularly examine the concept of post-socialist transformation and its impact on the development of Hungarian political system. Later, it will overview the resulting political situation after the 2010 elections of the Hungarian parliament. The main focus will be placed on V. Orban and Fidesz party. Fidesz and Orban initiated reforms that changed the Hungarian political system and initiated the development of democracy in the country. The article tries to introduce to possible concepts of V. Orban political system. It provides with ideology and politics of V. Orban and Fidesz party, their electoral analysis, major aspects from new Fundamental Law of Hungary, and V. Orban‘s relationship with other Hungarian political forces. Article reveals that V. Orban’s policy has a negative impact on the Hungarian democracy.

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