
Spirometric, biochemical, and endocrine responses during a maximal ergometer cycle test and during three runs (10 km, 21.1 km, and 42.2 km) were investigated in one female with cystic fibrosis (CF) 27 years of age and in two healthy control females 26 and 29 years of age. One of the controls ran as a companion to the CF woman, while the other ran at her own speed. The CF woman has a chronic respiratory Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, and her spirometric values were 50%-70% of predicted values at the time of the study. For the last years she has been training almost daily with aerobics, running, cycling, or skiing. She completed the four types of exercise without major problems. Her spirometric values increased transiently following the cycle test and for several hours following the three races (maximal 20%-30% increase of spirometric values), while the controls had transient decreases of the same variables in response to the runs. The biochemical and the hormonal changes were similar in the CF woman and the control who ran at her own speed, while the control who was a less stressed companion showed smaller changes. This study demonstrates that well-trained females with CF may participate in strenuous prolonged exercise without untoward effects.

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