
This paper aims to provide an interdisciplinary approach to fertility analysis. The main objective is the use of a psychotherapeutic tool in fertility decision analysis. We used the genogram, a tool frequently utilized in systemic psychotherapy. By borrowing and using the genogram in the context of fertility decision analysis, it facilitates our understanding of the fertility decision in terms of individual and family factors, as well as cultural, economic and social factors. This article aims to study fertility decision as a process resulting from the overlapping of several determinants. Thus fertility decisions appear as the result of a biological process influenced by social factors, conditioned by cultural norms and subject to intra-familial laws that seem to determine both structurally and functionally individual decisions to have children. The assessment of all these factors influencing family fertility decision-making can also be analysed intergenerationally with the help of the genogram. The introduction of the genogram as a tool for analysing the different forces determining fertility and fertility decisions may overcame some of the challenges of measuring the influence of different functional and structural aspects of the family, which may technically hamper the scientific approach, given the changes to which the family as a system has been subjected in recent years.

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