
The present article is devoted to the study of famous Ottoman historian Kâtip Celebi’s views in the context of Ibn Khaldūn’s teaching. The prominent Muslim historian Ibn Khaldūn (1332–1406) adheres to a scientific method in the fi eld of historical studies and gives economic priority over religious in the formation and development of the state and civilization. The political changes in the Islamic world in 15th century (the territorial expansion and culmination of Ottoman Empire) were of the utmost signifi cance to the development of Ottoman historiographical tradition. Ibn Khaldūn’s dominate infl uence on Ottoman intellectual thought remained until 20th century; hence the modern Turkish scientists designate this centuries-old tradition as “Ibn Khaldūnizm” (Ibn Haldunculuk). Kâtip Celebi shared Ibn Khaldūn’s method of historical criticism. The author considers that Katib Celebi should be viewed not only as historian, but also as an important representative of the Islamic sociological tradition established by Ibn Khaldūn. Kâtip Celebi rethought and developed Ibn Khaldūn’s views on state.


  • The present article is devoted to the study of famous Ottoman historian Kâtip Çelebi's views

  • Ibn Khaldūn's dominate influence on Ottoman intellectual thought remained until 20th century

  • The author considers that Katib Celebi should be viewed

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Статья посвящена исследованию взглядов османского историка и доксографа Катиба Челеби (Хаджи Халифа) (1609–1657) на природу общества и государства в контексте социологического учения крупнейшего средневекового мусульманского историка Ибн Халдуна (1332–1406). На социально-политические и исторические воззрения Катиба Челеби, как и многих других османских историков, повлияли гуморальная теория Гиппократа и Галена — античных ученых-врачей, социально-политическая концепция средневекового мусульманского философа ал-Фараби и особенно — социальное учение великого арабо-мусульманского историка и мыслителя Ибн Халдуна (1332–1406), который считается создателем философии истории.

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