
Depth-Image-Based Rendering (DIBR) can synthesize a virtual view image from a set of multiview images andcorresponding depth maps. However, this requires an accurate depth map estimation that incurs a high compu-tational cost over several minutes per frame in DERS (MPEG-I’s Depth Estimation Reference Software) even byusing a high-class computer. LiDAR cameras can thus be an alternative solution to DERS in real-time DIBR ap-plications. We compare the quality of a low-cost LiDAR camera, the Intel Realsense LiDAR L515 calibrated andconfigured adequately, with DERS using MPEG-I’s Reference View Synthesizer (RVS). In IV-PSNR, the LiDARcamera reaches 32.2dB view synthesis quality with a 15cm camera baseline and 40.3dB with a 2cm baseline.Though DERS outperforms the LiDAR camera with 4.2dB, the latter provides a better quality-performance trade-off. However, visual inspection demonstrates that LiDAR’s virtual views have even slightly higher quality thanwith DERS in most tested low-texture scene areas, except for object borders. Overall, we highly recommend usingLiDAR cameras over advanced depth estimation methods (like DERS) in real-time DIBR applications. Neverthe-less, this requires delicate calibration with multiple tools further exposed in the paper.

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