
Since the turn of the century, the number of plastics produced worldwide has doubled, and as of 2021, it was close to 400 million metric tons annually. Currently, over 350 million metric tons of plastic trash are produced annually by humans. 1 Plastic waste has become so widespread that UN negotiations are underway to draft an international treaty. Particularly Vietnam, where on average, about 1.8 million tons of plastic waste is generated each year, including more than 30 billion nylon bags, 2 is aware of the importance of preventing and minimizing plastic waste. Vietnam has recently implemented a number of solutions utilizing targeted actions and policy mechanisms, such as enacting the 2020 Law on Environment Protection with content related to plastic waste, the Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Marine Economy in parallel with protecting the environment and marine ecosystem, and the National Action Plan for the Management of Marine Plastic Litter by 2030. Besides, Vietnam has proactively and aggressively participated in building and accompanying the international community in developing a Global Agreement Framework to address plastic pollution and ocean plastic waste. This article examines Vietnam’s legal framework on plastic waste reduction toward global commitments. Based on the analyses, recommendations are provided to strengthen Vietnam’s legal system to prevent pollution caused by plastic waste.

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