
: Videoinsight® means to gain insight by looking at a work of contemporary art. It focuses on the aim and the psychological effect that are potentially provoked by the interaction with some selected contemporary works of art. The insight promoted by the work of art is the outcome of the activation of transference, of projections and reflections on the artistic product, of the unconscious elaboration that leads to the development of transformation. Videoinsight® is a theoretical concept, a working method and a psychological process. It is based on the experience of exchange and integration between the contemporary artwork and the psychology of individuals who relate to it. Some works of contemporary art provoke and stimulate the psyche and activate psychological mechanisms. They trigger an intellectual and emotional experience: they make us think and feel a certain way. Interacting with selected works of art leads to the development and activation of human potentials. The Videoinsight® method can be applied in prevention, diagnosis, psychological support and psychotherapy for treatment of all psychological and psychosomatic diseases. It has been already applied in Medical Orthopedic Researches for rehabilitation and psychological support.

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