
Brand logo detection is a special aspect of machine vision. However, Video logo detection benchmarks are scarce in the public domain. We exploit the power of a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) and leverage established datasets related to existing applications to develop a deep-transfer active-learning (DTAL) algorithm to select the most valuable samples so that the smallest number possible needs to be labeled to achieve maximum performance improvements for video object detection model training. By exploiting the possible shared deep feature space between static and video datasets through transfer learning based on highly adaptable DCNN features, DTAL implements diversity-based active learning to select the most informative samples from a sequence of similar image frames for video object detection. We successfully apply the new DTAL algorithm to implement active learning for logo detection from live streaming sports videos as well as pedestrian and face detection from video data. We show that DTAL is a better active-learning method than state-of-the-art deep-learning-based active-learning object detection techniques. We also contribute one of the largest video-based logo resources, the Sports Match Video Logo (SMVL) dataset, to facilitate general logo detection research using transfer- and active-learning applications for video object detection.

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